If what I need is what you need: A prayer for youth leaders.

I'm staring at my wall this morning with a bunch of emails that need tending, and tasks to be completed before 5. I'm a little hungry and my mind keeps wandering and I'm really tempted to just have a game night with our middle schoolers because it seems easier than talking about the Holy Spirit.

But I know that it's just a moment of distraction, a little bit of tired sinking in from the 2 year old induced all nighters we've been experiencing lately as parents. I'm tempted to look at my wedding pictures for a few more minutes, thinking to myself, "so that's what we looked like before we had children."

Life is like this. It ebbs and flows. It fires fast and quietly slows.
We find ourselves wondering how we got ourselves into a few messes that we didn't really have time for while daydreaming about a few more messes that we'd rather be swimming in. And the awesome beautiful reality of our every day walking around life is waiting for us to wake up and dive in.

So, I need a little prayer and I'm guessing you probably need one to. If you pray for me, I promise I'll pray for you (sorry about the borderline Michael W. Smith quote there, totally didn't mean to do that...unless you really like that song, then I totally meant to do that.)

I'm praying for you...

For your friendships to grow deeper. For your ministries to thrive in healthy ways.
For your homes to be messy and for that to be OK.
For your conversations to be full of grace.
For you to be able to say "no" a few times today so that you can say "yes" to what matters most.
For your influence and leadership abilities to be strengthened.
For your awesome families. For your boyfriend or girlfriend.
For your husband or wife--may they be blessed and find themselves overflowing with full cups.
For your amazing kids (both biological and ministry-logical).
For you to adopt someone into your family that is a bit invisible. That you would 
know someone and love someone more than you love yourself.

The Instagram creeper within me--prays for your pictures to be seasoned with
good food and funny moments, life, laughter, and little obsessions with
triangles and chevron, dirt bikes, and glowing city lights.

I'm praying for God to give you what you need
today. And for you to have fun doing whatever you find
yourself doing. To serve in ways that give you life.
And to know that you are loved.

I'm praying you would know that you are loved, not for what you do or how many kids walk through 
the door, but loved because you are you. And for you to know that you were worth
Jesus to God and that's just something we don't hear
very often because we are usually the ones saying it.

God bless you with purity of heart and mind today. With clarity and strength.
With a catalytic converter that turns your doldrums into passionate service.

So we're up and at 'em. We've got dragons to slay--but in the meantime, it's comforting to know that we stopped for a moment and took time to pray.

(Oh, and cheers to Michael W. Smith, and the rhyming and whimsical Dr. Suess...I appreciate the way you've subtly influenced this post. ) 

*Photo taken at Spring Hill Camp, Michigan