10 Actions Ideas for You and Your Teenage Daughter

I loved writing a "A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Teenage Daughter". I feel like it will be one of those really helpful things that I'll be proud to show my daughters when they are 15. During a rare moment when they are slamming doors and whispering words under their breath. "See, your mom knows what she's talking about." (If only it were that easy!)

While I'd like to think there's a script for "complete understanding", there isn't. There's only the slow and steady work of growing in our understanding, and that is never something that is complete. I'm so thankful for grace. And compassion. And really great chocolate.

The good news is, that there is help. And I hope, that someday when my house is rocking with two teenage daughters, I'll be encouraged and hopeful, inspired and supported, ready to try the things we've put together to encourage others.

In the meantime, I wrote a follow-up guide:  

10 Action Ideas for You and Your Teenage Daughter
It's for parents who may want to go a little further in their understanding.

If you'd like the FREE PDF list of action ideas. Just follow these simple steps.

  1. Comment here
  2. Like "A Parent's Guide" on Amazon. 
I'll email the PDF to you on Monday.

If you're interested in Understanding Teenage Guys, here's a good resource for you.